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    Put you held in the hand, pious incense,

    Cut a candlelight, will knowlage light

    Follows isolde, but not love a field,

    Love finally and wounded cry well despair!

    I"ve tried my whole life to you feed,

    Only hope you stop circulation of vision,

    Please give my endless love and be the power of love

    Let I can feel at ease in the bodhi down quietly visualisation

    Put you is the matter, closed the palm,

    Silent beg god guide me, direction

    Not forever, but in the side,

    Tired druck loring, gently brahman singing!

    I"ve tried my whole life to you feed

    Only hope you stop circulation of vision,

    Please give my endless love and be the power of love,

    Let I can feel at ease in the bodhi down quietly visualisation

    I"ve tried my whole life to you feed,

    There are too many troubles to forget,

    Then pitchingperformance floating of the old appearance,

    Turn head found already stepped out of the world of mortals miles-rock





    我用盡一生一世 來將你供養,

    只期盼你停住 流轉的目光,

    請賜予我無限愛 與被愛的力量,

    讓我能安心在菩提下 靜靜的觀想





    我用盡一生一世 來將你供養,

    只期盼你停住 流轉的目光,

    請賜予我無限愛 與被愛的力量,

    讓我能安心在菩提下 靜靜的觀想

    我用盡一生一世 來將你供養,

    人世間有太多的 煩惱要忘,

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  • 對未來工作安排有什麼展望?