  • 1 # emegg11453

      Bright Star  I love the endless sea, I love the rain softly, I love flying snow, I love bringing a bright full moon, but I love the starry night sky.  Star is fascinating. Beautiful summer night, I was alone courtyards, looked up this quiet sky. Cool breeze caresses my face, so happy!  Sky is bright. Countless stars shining lights like light, set in the deep blue sky. As the cradle of the sky, the stars like a baby, most of them obediently fell asleep. A few small stars naughty little eyes blinked, as if quietly told me: "!. Dark, quickly go to sleep but also to class tomorrow it" And a few small stars around the moon sitting in her mother , probably in attentively listen to her exciting story! Occasionally, a meteor across the sky, it is a long thin tail dragging across the vast galaxy, hastily disappeared in the vast darkness. At this time, you feel like being in a colorful fairy tale world.  Star is evocative. I looked at the sky trance confusing, can not help but imagination: Adorable Little Dipper, you really brought to mankind fire it? The other end of the legendary Taurus honest honest, you head down in the fresh grass grazing? Or in pensive? Lovestruck Cowherd, if you turn on the Magpie Bridge out? The light emitted by these stars, although there is no sun so bright, nor the moon so quiet, but they still shine with the glory of life and dedication to the pedestrians to illuminate the way forward!譯文:  璀璨的星空  我愛浩瀚無邊的大海,我愛潤物無聲的春雨,我愛漫天飛舞的雪花,我愛皎潔明亮的圓月,但我更愛群星璀璨的夜空。  星空是迷人的。美麗的夏夜,我獨自坐在院子裡,抬頭仰望這靜謐的星空。陣陣涼風撫過我的臉龐,好愜意!  星空是璀璨的。無數顆星星閃爍著燈火般的光,鑲嵌在深藍色的天幕中。天空如同搖籃,星星恰似寶寶,它們大多乖乖地睡著了。幾顆小星星眨著調皮的小眼睛,像是在悄悄地告訴我:“天黑了,快快去睡吧!明天還要上課呢。”還有幾顆小星星圍坐在月亮婆婆的周圍,大概是在聚精會神地聽她講扣人心絃的故事吧!偶爾,從空中劃過一顆流星,它拖著細細長長的尾巴,穿過浩瀚的星河,匆匆消逝在茫茫的夜色中。這時,你彷彿置身於一個五彩斑斕的童話世界。  星空是令人遐想的。我望著撲朔迷離的星空出神,不禁浮想聯翩:可愛的小熊星座,真的是你給人類帶來了火種嗎?傳說中那頭淳樸憨厚的金牛,你低著頭是在啃食鮮嫩的青草?還是在若有所思?痴情的牛郎織女,你們是否又在鵲橋上相會了呢?這些星星發出的光雖沒有Sunny那麼燦爛,也沒有月光那麼清幽,但它們卻依然綻放著生命的光彩,竭盡所能為過往的行人照亮前進的方向!

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