  • 1 # 使用者5299230923514

    the dope show !(愛的再告白)

    the drugs they say make us feel so hollow.他們說大麻可以讓你感覺--空旋!

    we love in vain narcissistic so shallow.我們的所愛是如此的徒然無用,其實是自我陶醉和如此的淺薄!

    the cops and queers 2 swim you have to swallow.警察和同性戀擺佈你,讓你不得不忍受!

    hate today, no love 4 tomorrow.憎恨今天沒有為明天找到所愛!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

    there"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones.有許多可愛的蠍西!

    that want to get u high.它們可以讓你很high!

    but all the pretty, pretty ones.但所有這些可愛的蠍西!

    will leave u low blow ur mind, blow ur mind.將讓你變得卑賤,且衝擊你的神經!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

    they love u when u"re on all the covers.它們將愛你當你依附於它們時!

    when u"re not then they love another.當你不再當你依附於它們時,它們將愛其它人!

    they love u when u"r on all covers.它們將愛你當你依附於它們時!

    when u"re not then they love another.當你不再當你依附於它們時,它們將愛其它人!

    the drugs they say are made in california.他們說這大麻制於加利福尼亞.

    we love ur face.我們喜歡你的臉!

    we"d really like 2 sell u.我們真的樂於賣給你!

    the cops queers make good-looking models.警察和同性戀有漂亮模特相伴.

    i hate today.我恨今天!

    who will i wake up with tomorrow?誰跟我明天一同醒來?

    there"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones.有許多可愛的蠍西!

    that want to get you high.它們可以讓你很high!

    but all the pretty, pretty ones.但所有這些可愛的蠍西.

    will leave u low blow ur mind, blow ur mind.將讓你變得卑賤,且衝擊你的神經!

    they love u when u"re on all the covers.它們將愛你當你依附於它們時!

    when you"re not then they love another.當你不再當你依附於它們時,它們將愛其它人!

    they love u when u"re on all the covers.它們將愛你當你依附於它們時!

    when you"re not then they love another.當你不再當你依附於它們時,它們將愛其它人!

    there"s a lot of pretty, pretty ones.有許多可愛的蠍西!

    that want to get you high.它們可以讓你很high!

    but all the pretty, pretty ones.但所有這些可愛的蠍西.

    will leave u low blow ur mind, blow ur mind.將讓你變得卑賤,且衝擊你的神經!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

    we"re all stars now in the dope show.我們全都是大麻秀明星!

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