  • 1 # 科技小升

    ●kind of和sort of 最常見的含義是:“種類”。除此之外,它們還有副詞性的用法,意思相當於to some extent,in a certain way,rather(有幾分,有點兒,相當)等含義。一般情況下,sort of和kind of 可以相互替換,現就其用法進行分類說明。一、kind of和sort of 修飾名詞 1.a) kind of和sort of後通常用單數名詞,意為“種類”。eg. What kind of / sort of tree is that? b)口語和非正式用語中後也有跟可數名詞複數的eg.I "ve met this kind of /sort of tourists 2.口語中kind of和 sort of還可指某人或某事物的情況說不準。eg.I had a kind of/ sort of holiday but Icouldn"t really relax(我算是放了假了,但卻未能真正資訊)He gave a kind of /sort of smile and left the room(他像是笑了一下就離開了房間) 3. 用於be+kind/ sort of+名詞的結構中.eg. He was kind of a fool.I won"t tell you; it is sort of a secret.(我不告訴你,這有點是秘密) 二.Kind of和 sort of副詞性用法1.修飾動詞eg.I kind of thought you might forget(我有點認為你可能忘了) I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand(我隨便用手把頭髮往後一掠) 2.修飾形容詞eg. The minute I went in ,I was sort of sorry I"d come.(我一進去就有點後悔不該來) I feel kind of queasy.["kwi:zi] (我感到有點噁心)3.修飾副詞 eg. He spoke sort of proudly(他說話帶幾分傲氣)He has been acting sort of strangely lately(他近來行為有點古里古怪) 4.修飾動名詞和分詞 eg.What about you and me sort of stepping out?(我和你出去走走好嗎?) After I got across the road ,I felt as if I was kind of disappearing(我穿過馬路後,覺得自己好像失蹤了似的)She was sort of mucked-mouthed(她可以說是個花嘴姑娘) 5.修飾不定式(只要出現在分裂不定式和不帶to的不定式作表語的結構裡)eg. I was beginning to sort of hate him(我開始有點恨他了) His job is kind of to nose others" privacy(他的工作有點像打探別人的隱私) 6. 修飾介詞短語 eg. A guinea pig looks kind of like a rabit,but it has short ears(豚鼠有點像兔子,只是耳朵短些) 三.Kind /sort of還可後置,前面用逗號或破折號與句子隔開,作為對前面內容的補充eg. It looks like Shakespeare"s play——sort of (它像是莎士比亞的戲劇——有那麼幾分像) 四.Kind of 和sort of在句子中的位置和一般副詞一樣,kind of /sort of的位置是:助動詞、情態動詞和系動詞後,實義動詞前eg. I was feeling sort of tired from the trip to New York and all (我去紐約一趟回來,覺得有點累) kind of/sort of的以上用法,大多數詞典都把它註明為“俗語”,“口語”,“非正式用語”,“主要用於美國英語”等。但現在這種用法已為越來越多的人,包括英華人及許多受過高等教育的人所接受。這也充分顯示了這兩個短語在語言中生命力的強大。●type比kind和sort客觀而正式,通常指同種類內部事物,或相同物體的不同型號。它表示的分類一般都是客觀的甚至是科學的,有一定資料的標準,常譯為“品種”、“型別”、“型號”。例如: (1) blood types 血型,some types of insects 幾種昆蟲 (2) He has bought a new type of computer. 他買了一臺新型電腦。 (3) There are two types of rocks in this area. 該地區有兩種不同型別的岩石。 (4) It"s not my type of dress. 那不是我喜歡的服裝樣式。   type也可以用來指根據主觀標準將人或物分成不同型別,但這種分法能使人信服,且內涵外延比較明確。此時,type與kind和sort可以互換使用。例如: (5) This type / kind / sort of wine is only made in China. 這種酒只在中國製造。

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