  • 1 # 為愛放棄天天

      he,she,very,meter中very發音不同。  he 英 [hi] 美 [hi]  pron. 他,它; 一個人;  n. 雄性動物;  

    1. A fellow doesn"t last long on what he has done. He"s got to keep on delivering as he goes along.--Carl Hubbell, Baseball Player  靠過去完成的無法讓人保有成功,必須在路上持續交出成績。  

    2. He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and Holland.  他對於法國、德國和荷蘭的文學瞭如指掌。  she 英 [ʃi] 美 [ʃi] pron. 她,它;  1. She went directly to Simon"s apartment and knocked on the door.  她直奔西蒙的房間,敲了敲門。  2. She studied him for the longest time, looking wryly amused.  她面帶苦笑,盯著他看了很長時間。  very 英 [ˈveri] 美 [ˈvɛri]  adj. 很,非常; 恰好是,正是; 十足的; 特有的;  adv. 很,非常; 充分,完全;  1. The papers in maths and English are very testing.  數學試卷和英語試卷很難。  2. If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.  如果皮膚髮紅、瘙癢或脫皮,要向醫生諮詢。  meter 英 [ˈmi:tə(r)] 美 [ˈmitɚ]  n. 計量器; 計量儀;  v. 用儀表測量;  過去分詞: metered 複數: meters 過去式: metered 現在分詞: metering 第三人稱單數: meters  1. Only a third of these households thought it reasonable to meter water.  這些家庭當中只有三分之一認為用水錶計量是合理的。  2. They have the right to come in and inspect the meter.  他們有權進來查表。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 有人說有些人願意投資住宅也不願意投資商鋪,這是怎麼回事?