  • 1 # 二夫藤7436

    “very”的讀音是:英 [ˈveri] 、美 [ˈvɛri]


    adj.很,非常; 恰好是,正是; 十足的; 特有的

    adv.很,非常; 充分,完全;


    1、ADV 很,非常(用於修飾形容詞或副詞,表示強調)Very is used to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb.

    The problem and the answer are very simple...


    It is very, very strong evidence indeed...


    2、PHRASE 絕不;遠非;不太;稍微Not very is used with an adjective or adverb to say that something is not at all true, or that it is true only to a small degree.

    She"s not very impressed with them...


    4、ADV 完全,最(用於修飾形容詞或副詞最高階,表示強調)You use very to give emphasis to a superlative adjective or adverb. For example, if you say that something is the very best, you are emphasizing that it is the best.

    They will be helped by the very latest in navigation aids...


    5、ADJ (與某些名詞連用,以確指最遠的某一位置或時點)極端的You use very with certain nouns in order to specify an extreme position or extreme point in time.

    At the very back of the yard, several feet from Lenny, was a wooden shack...


    I turned to the very end of the book, to read the final words...


    6、ADJ 正是的;合適的;同樣的You use very with nouns to emphasize that something is exactly the right one or exactly the same one.

    Everybody says he is the very man for the case...


    She died in this very house...


    7、ADJ (與名詞連用,強調重要性或嚴重性)僅僅的,唯獨的,甚至於,就連You use very with nouns to emphasize the importance or seriousness of what you are saying.

    At one stage his very life was in danger...


    8、CONVENTION 好的,是(用於表示對上級的指示或命令遵照執行)Very good is used to tell someone in authority that you agree to carry out a suggestion or order.

    "Now give me some account of your voyage." — "Very good, sir."


    9、PHRASE 的確如此;千真萬確The expression very much so is an emphatic way of answering "yes" to something or saying that it is true or correct.

    "Are you enjoying your holiday?" — "Very much so."


    10、CONVENTION 那好吧,行(用於表示同意或接受,即使不是完全滿意)Very well is used to say that you agree to do something or you accept someone"s answer, even though you might not be completely satisfied with it.

    "We need proof, sir." Another pause. Then, "Very well."...





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