  • 1 # fighting兜兜媽咪

    諾丁山電影長鏡頭插曲是no matter what。



    No Matter What

    Chica cha ha ha


    Chica cha ha ha

    Chica cha ha ha

    Chica cha ha ha

    Chica cha ha ha

    Chica cha ha ha

    No matter what they tell us

    No matter what they do

    No matter what they teach us

    What we believe it"s true

    No matter what they call us

    However they attack

    No matter where they take us

    We"ll find our own way back

    I can"t deny what I believe

    I can"t be what I"m not

    I know our love forever

    I know no matter what

    If only tears were laughter(ooh)

    If only night was day(ooh)

    If only prayers were answered

    (hear my prayers)

    Then we could hear God say(say)

    No matter what they tell you

    No matter what they do

    No matter what they teach you

    What you believe it"s true

    And I will keep you safe and strong

    And shelter from the storm

    No matter where it"s barren

    A dream is being born


    No matter who they follow

    No matter where they leave

    No matter how they judge us

    I"ll be everyone you need

    No matter if the sun don"t shine

    ( the sun don"t shine)

    Or if the skies are blue

    (skies are blue)

    No matter what the end is

    My life began with you

    I can"t deny what I believe

    ( what I believe)

    I can"t be what I"m not

    (I know I know )

    I know this love"s forever

    That"s all that matters now

    No matter what

    NO no matter what (no no matter what)

    No no matter what

    No no matter what

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me

    No no matter what

    That"s all that matters to me



    個性溫柔善良的威廉·薩克(休·格蘭特飾)住在倫敦西部的諾丁山,擁有一家生意慘淡的旅遊書店。由於生意不甚理想,只能在書店的附近和一位行為怪異且不修邊幅的斯派克合租一套居室。自從離婚後,他的愛情生活一片空白。 安娜·斯科特(茱莉亞·羅伯茨飾)是美國的電影明星,她的玉照出現在各個雜誌的封面上,一舉一動都受到全世界的關注。 一個平淡無奇的星期三,安娜走進威廉的書店裡,她優雅的姿態給威廉留下了深刻的第一印象,同時他也意識到,這位優雅的女士正是那位家喻戶曉的好萊塢女影星安娜。在安娜離開書店後不久,威廉在幫同事購買飲料返回的路上再次遇到了安娜,他不小心把一杯飲料潑在了安娜身上。深感愧疚的威廉請安娜到他家裡把衣服清洗乾淨,也沒想到自己會愛上這位明星,假扮記者藉故約會安娜。很快兩人墜入愛河,本來甜蜜的生活卻一下子被發現了的記者破壞了。安娜承受著媒體的壓力,需要做出決定,兩人也吵了起來。兩人由此展開了一段童話般身份差距巨大的愛情之旅。

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