  • 1 # 玉兒


    Hello Song



    Come on everybody, let"s have fun

    It"s time to say "hello"

    We "ll be so happy everyone, until it"s time to go

    Let"s sing (la la la ),let"s dance (cha cha cha)

    Let"s talk in English till we" ve done

    Let"s try, let"s fly

    At Riverdeep we" re always learning

    At Riverdeep we" re having fun

  • 2 # 賀金培


    Hello Song



    Come on everybody, let"s have fun

    It"s time to say "hello"

    We "ll be so happy everyone, until it"s time to go

    Let"s sing (la la la ),let"s dance (cha cha cha)

    Let"s talk in English till we" ve done

    Let"s try, let"s fly

    At Riverdeep we" re always learning

    At Riverdeep we" re having fun


    Goodbye Song

    Goodbye everybody, time to go

    We" ve learned a lot today

    Goodbye everybody, don"t be slow

    We must be on our way

    We sang (la la la),we

    danced (cha cha cha)

    We" ve talked in English everyone

    We"ll see, you soon

    At Riverdeep we" re always learning

    At Riverdeep we have such fun

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 在家自我閉關半個月,再過幾天能出關啊?誰能告訴我?