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      Going out tonight,  夜即將離去,  Changes into something red.  穿上紅色的衣服  Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress.  她媽媽不喜歡那樣的裙子  Everything she never had, she’s showing off.  她卻正在炫耀著那從未有過的一切  Driving too fast,  車開得很快  Moon is breaking through her hair,  月光穿過她的髮梢  She’s heading for something that she won’t forget.  她正奔向著那些她將再不會忘記的  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  毫無遺憾的因為那是她真正想要擁有的  (Chorus)  We’re getting only older baby.  親愛的我們得到的僅僅是衰老  And i’ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  這些可能有些瘋狂  Just how fast the night changes?  難道就像這夜晚變化的一樣快?  Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你夢中浮現的  Disappearing when you wake up.  卻在醒來時消失殆盡  But there’s nothing to be afraid of,  但是別怕  Even when the night changes,  即使這夜改變了一切  It will never change me and you  也永遠無法改變我和你  Chasing it tonight,  逃離今夜  Doubts are running around her head.  疑慮在她腦海盤旋  He’s waiting, hides behind a cigarette.  他正在等待著,小心的藏在一支香菸的後面  Heart is beating loud and she doesn’t want it to stop.  他的心跳聲那麼強烈,其實她一點也不想讓他走遠  Moving too fast,  車開的飛快  Moon is lighting up her skin.  月光灑落在她的面板間  She’s falling, doesn’t even know it yet.  她正墜入愛河,雖然她一點沒有察覺  Having no regrets is all that she really wants.  但一定沒有遺憾的,因為這一些真是她想要的  Chorus:  We’re getting only older baby.  親愛的我們得到的僅僅是衰老  And i’ve been thinking about it lately.  我最近一直都在想  Does it ever drive you crazy,  這些可能有些瘋狂  Just how fast the night changes?  難道就像這夜晚變化的一樣快?  Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of,  那些在你夢中浮現的  Disappearing when you wake up.  卻在醒來時消失殆盡  But there’s nothing to be afraid of,  但是別怕  Even when the night changes,  及時這夜改變了一些  It will never change me and you  也永遠無法改變我和你  Going out tonight,  走出今夜  Changes into something red.  換上紅色衣服  Her mother doesn’t like that kind of dress,  她媽媽一點都不喜歡那樣的裙子  Reminds her of the missing piece of innocence she lost.  提醒著她那些失去的純真記憶  We’re getting only older baby  我們得到的僅僅是衰老  And i’ve been thinkin

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