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    A callback, in terms of comedy, is a joke which refers to one previously told in the set. The second joke is often presented in a different context than the one which was used in the initial joke. Callbacks are usually used at or near the end of a set, as the aim is to create the biggest laugh at the end of a comic set. The main principle behind the callback is to make the audience feel a sense of familiarity with the subject matter, as well as with the comedian. It helps to create audience rapport. When the second joke is told, it induces a feeling similar to that of being told a personal or in-joke.定義:扣題(callback)是脫口秀裡的一個技巧,就是先講一個笑話,幾分鐘以後,再把之前講的笑話的部分內容重複一次。(我當時覺得把一個笑話用兩次有點偷懶,但託尼跟我講,觀眾非常喜歡扣題,因為用了扣題,觀眾就會覺得他們自己也在故事當中,這樣單口相聲演員和觀眾的關係就會更近一點。從那以後,我每次上電視都會盡量用扣題的方式講一個段子。)— 黃西你可以把前面效果比較的好3-4個演講的亮點串起了,並與你自己的演講主題關聯起來,可以瞬間引起關注。

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