  • 1 # 婷婷

    alone 是單獨的意思:She was there alone.

    lonely是孤獨的意思:She felt very lonely.

  • 2 # 科技小升

    alone 副詞 adv. 單獨;獨自 by yourself;with no other people · She went home alone. 她獨自回家去了。 · It"s foolish of him to go alone. 他單獨去未免太傻了。 · When his wife died, he lived alone. 他的妻子死後,他一個人生活。 · An elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair alone. 一位上了年紀的病人孤單單地坐在輪椅上。 副詞 adv. 僅僅;只有 only · He alone can do it. 只有他才能做這件事。 · You alone can help me. 只有你能幫我忙。 · He alone was in the room. 僅他一個人在房間裡。 · The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history. 人民,只有人民,才是創造歷史的動力。 形容詞 adj. 單獨的 apart from others · He is alone. 他獨自一人。 · The ticket collector at the gate noticed that he was alone. 門口的檢票員注意到他是獨自一人。 · We are not alone; we have friends all over the world. 我們並不孤立,我們的朋友遍天下。 lonely詞綴: -ly具有某性質的in the specified manner 形容詞比較級: lonelier 最高階: loneliest a.


    2.荒涼的,人跡稀少的 形容詞 adj. 孤獨的;寂寞的 sad because you are alone,with no friends · She often felt lonely. 她常感到寂寞。 · I was alone,but I did not feel lonely. 我雖然孤單,但我不感到寂寞。 · Sarah felt lonely when her best friend left the town. 自從她最好的朋友離城以後薩拉感到很寂寞。 · They live a lonely life in a lonely house in the hills. 他們在山中一棟孤零零的房子裡過著寂寞的生活。 形容詞 adj. 偏遠的;人跡罕至的 far away from other places · Two noblemen took him to a lonely house. 兩個貴族把他帶到一座僻靜的房子裡。 · They went to a lonely place in the mountains. 他們到了山中寂寞的地方。

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