  • 1 # adylm5334

    billing:英 [ˈbɪlɪŋ] ; 美 [ˈbɪlɪŋ] n:(演員表上的)排名,演員名次;開具賬單;營業額v:給(某人)開賬單,發賬單(要求付款);把(某人或事物)宣傳為…;宣佈…將做某事片語短語:

    1、billing system:計費系統2、billing address:賬單地址;送訂單的地址3、detailed billing:詳細計費;明細計費例句:1、The billing system associates invoice records to subscriber accounts. 計費系統將發票記錄與訂戶帳戶關聯起來。

    2、Finally, I called the number for service problems, and got transferred to billing.最終,我打了處理服務問題的一個號碼,被轉到了計費。近義詞辨析:1、charge n:費用,價錢辨析:指商家對欲購買其商品或服務的買者收取的費用。例句:The seller will send the goods to your house for an extra charge.賣家會送貨上門,但是要收取一筆額外費用。2、fee n:報酬;費用辨析:指付給專業人員的服務費, 也可指為加入某組織或做某事而支付的費用。He was looking for a part-time job in order to pay his school fees next semester.為了交下一學期的學費,他在找兼職。

    3、cost n:費用;成本辨析:指為購買商品、完成某事或生產產品而支付的款項。例句:The total cost of this picnic was about 200 yuan.這次野餐的全部費用大約200元。

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