  • 1 # 王小佳的慧慧

    eggplant和 aubergine的用法區別是:eggplant 只有名詞詞性,意思是茄子 。aubergine 既有名詞:茄子,紫色的意思,也可以作為形容詞,表示紫色的。

    aubergine 讀音:["əubəʒi:n]釋義n.[主英國英語] 【植物】茄,茄子(茄子般的)紫紅色adj.(茄子般)紫紅色的例句Aubergine is an interesting alternative to boring black and Sheryl Crow carried it off well. 紫紅色是代替沉悶黑色的最佳選擇,雪兒·克勞的嘗試就很成功。The Leveretts" living room was painted a deep purple-aubergine, in local parlance-and its windows were draped with velvet. 利芙瑞特家的起居室牆面刷成了深茄子紫,窗戶上按照當地的流行掛著絲絨落地窗簾。Childish pleasure can be derived from murmuring “qiezi” when walking past a delegation busytaking pictures: it reliably generates surprised cries of “did that foreigner just say aubergine? 走過忙著拍照的中國代表團時聽著他們喊“茄子”就能感受到孩子般的快樂,外華人則好奇:這些人喊的“茄子”?eggplant 讀音 ["eɡplɑ:nt;-plænt]釋義n.【植物】茄(Solanum melongena)茄子adj.深紫色的例句:Spinach and eggplant. 菠菜和茄子。I said, "it is eggplant, olives and tomatoes. 我說, “這是茄子,橄欖和西紅柿。However, eggplant and capsicums should be stored open in the crisper as they sweat if stored in plastic bags. 而茄子和辣椒應該敞開存放在新鮮蔬菜儲存盒中,因為當它們存放在塑膠袋裡時會冒汗。

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