  • 1 # 米哈關愛

    To our youth that is fading away。《致我們終將逝去的青春》經典臺詞

    曾經我們都以為自己可以為愛情死,其實愛情死不了人,它只會在最疼的地方紮上一針,然後我們欲哭無淚,我們輾轉反側,我們久病成醫,我們百鍊成鋼。你不是風兒,我也不是沙,再纏綿也到不了天涯。once we think we can die for love, but love die, it will only in the most pain place a shot on the bar, and then we want to cry without tears, we toss and turn restlessly, we long illness into the hospital, we be toughened and hardened into steel. you are not the wind, i also not sand, then touching to the horizon.當年舟車勞頓只為與愛人片刻相依的她,一心只想把那份感情守成天長地久的她,可曾想到會有今天?愛著的時候,以為那個人就是自己的一生,誰料到一朝夢醒,就站在了另一個人的身邊。the eastlands for only a moment together with your lover, she wanted to take the relationships we hold forever, she ever thought that there will be today? love, thought that the man is his own life, unfortunately, once, i was standing in another person"s side.

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