  • 1 # spades13

    Ferry man意思:擺渡人讀音:【frae :maen】例句:

    1)不久,他來到涅漫河,問那擺渡人有沒有很多逃兵路過。He shortly arrived at the river Neman, and asked the ferryman if many deserters had passed that way.

    2)不然怎麼會分明聽到冥河擺渡人的面部肌肉已經暗中欣喜了很久Otherwise I couldn"t heard facial muscles of the Styx ferrymantwisting3)《邊城》發表於1934年,小說描寫了山城茶峒碼頭團總的兩個兒子天保和儺送與擺渡人的外孫女翠翠的曲折愛情。Border Town was published in1934, the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain"s two sons, Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people"s granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love. 4)在擺渡人的掌中支付了通向死亡的旅費。In Charon"s palm it pay the toll to Death.

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