  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    直接翻譯:這就是全部了演講時最後一句:到此為止日常生活中交流:結束了例句They all sat still, all bemused by the beauty of the thing他們都寂然不動地坐著,冥想這個東西多麼好。This is.not at all lighthearted or amiable music.In fact,the tone is unremittingly sober and antiseptic(Donal Henahan)這音樂一點也不輕鬆悅耳,實際上曲調一直很嚴肅、單調(多納爾·漢奈恩)For a whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time, my wife suffered terribly.整整一個星期我根本沒有吸菸。在這期間,我的妻子可受罪了。At the food sales exhibition, there are a lot of delicacies loved by all.食品展銷會上有很多眾所喜愛品嚐之佳品。The holiday was beyond all expectations,ie better than was hoped for.假日過得比預期的好得多.In all senses; in all respects一切;所有的Her hands were sunburnt and all dotted with freckles, her forefinger was hardened and lacerated with the needle她的手,枯而黑,生滿了斑點,食指上的粗皮滿是針痕,She was not consciously telling a lie: after all, wasn"t Chao Po-tao a rich man?她自己並不覺得這句話是撒謊:老趙不是很有錢麼?I have a goat and a donkey, and they are all in all to me我有一頭山羊和一頭驢,只有它們倆是我最疼愛的。allegro non tanto急速但不太快地

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