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    1.首先如果表示類別,即表示某一類 ,其實在英語中一般很少加上one。one kind of 這種說法比較少見。

    如果加上了one ,那麼one kind of 表示一........類的 (事物),用來強調數量。

    When Banning One Kind of Discrimination Results in Another


    我們會說;what kind of house do you live in ?

    不會說: what one kind of house do you live in ?


    this/that kind of thing 來表達

    例句:I need to buy paper and pencils, that kind of thing

    2.a kind of 一般用來 表示:

    (informal) used to show that sth you are saying is not exact(表示不確切)某種,幾分,隱約:

    例句:I had a kind of feeling this might happen.

    3.kind of (informal) (also "kinda) slightly; in some ways表示稍微;有幾分;有點兒,這個在口語中最常見。是很地道的表達。

    例如:That made me feel kind of stupid.

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