  • 1 # Mnbcxs

    白居易 《賦得古草原送別》又名《草》 離離原上草 一歲一枯榮. 野火燒不盡 春風吹又生. 遠芳侵古道 晴翠接荒城. 又送王孫去 萋萋滿別情 人家送你英語版,我送上英文加註音版好了! 先是注音版: 白居易(báijūyì) 《賦得古草原送別》(fùdégǔcǎoyuánsòngbié) 又名 《草》(cǎo) 離(lí)離(lí)原(yuán)上(shàng)草(cǎo) 一(yī)歲(suì)一(yī)枯(kū)榮(róng) 野(yě)火(huǒ)燒(shāo)不(bú)盡(jìn) 春(chūn)風(fēng)吹(chuī)又(yòu)生(shēng) 遠(yuǎn)芳(fāng)侵(qīn)古(gǔ)道(dào) 晴(qíng)翠(cuì)接(jiē)荒(huāng)城(chéng). 又(yòu)送(sòng)王(wáng)孫(sūn)去(qù) 萋(qī)萋(qī)滿(mǎn)別(bié)情(qíng) 英文版在後: Farewell a friend at an Ancient Grasslands Bai Juyi 離離原上草,The grass grown and grown on this grassland. 一歲一枯榮.Yellow ,green then yellow years by years. 野火燒不盡,Wild fires cannot wipe it off 春風吹又生. It grows again under the spring breeze 遠芳侵古道, The antique pavement has chappowed by the grass, 晴翠接荒城.Stretching all the way to bankrupt town. 又送王孫去,Where I’m saying goodbye to you, my friend, 萋萋滿別情.As my heart and the spinous feel of grass blend

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