  • 1 # 是的按時是

      無限這個說法太籠統, 在不同漢語句子裡,應有不同的英語單詞與其對應.   說某人潛力無限,可以說unlimited,   數學上的無限則是infinite,   數量無限大說法較多,如countless,numerous.   形容地域無限或思想深刻大可以說boundless,unbounded   這裡給點boundless的用法示例:   

    1. 夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。   The setting sun had boundless beauty, Just because the yellow dusk is so near.   

    2. 掌握無限空間的概念是很難的。   It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.   

    3. 無限度的武器競賽當然會增加戰爭的危險性。   An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war.   

    4. 他的無限的慷慨深深地感動了我們。   His boundless generosity moved us deeply.   

    5. 無限的耐心使她成為這個醫院最好的護士。   Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital   剛才那些事形容詞,這再給出兩個名詞,其實就是infinite的名詞版   infinitude   [in5finitju:d]   n.   無限, 無窮數, 無限之物   示例:   The state or quality of being infinite.   無窮:無窮盡的一種狀態或品質   An immeasurably large quantity, number, or extent:   無窮數,無限量:巨大的數量、數字或程度:   “[His designs contain] an infinitude of forest shadings for the scenes with animals” (Alan Rich)   “他的設計包括 以巨大的樹林為背景,並配上動物的畫面” (艾倫·裡奇)   infinity   [in5finiti]   n.   無限, 無窮大   【複數】 in.fin.i.ties縮寫 inf.   示例:   The quality or condition of being infinite.   無限:無窮無盡的性質或者狀況   Unbounded space, time, or quantity.   無限的空間、時間或者數量   An indefinitely large number or amount.   無限大的數或量   Mathematics The limit that a function ƒ is said to approach at x = a when for x close to a, ƒ(x) is larger than any preassigned number.   【數學】 無窮大極限:函式ƒ在接近x = a 處的極限,當 x 接近 a, ƒ(x) 時大於任何預先給定的數   A range in relation to an optical system, such as a camera lens, representing distances great enough that light rays reflected from objects within the range may be regarded as parallel.   (聚焦區)無限遠:與光學系統(如照像鏡頭)有關的一個範圍,表示距離是如此之遠,以至於從在這一距離的物體上反射回來的光可以視為平行光線   A distance setting, as on a camera, beyond which the entire field is in focus.   無限遠標誌:一個距離的設定,比如在照像機上,表示整個場景都在焦點內

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