  • 1 # ymmrm2564

    老師的英文翻譯是teacher;teacher 英 [ˈti:tʃə(r)] 美 [ˈtitʃɚ] n. 教師,教員,老師,先生; [航]教練機;雙語例句1. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing. 他的輔導教師發現了他在閱讀和寫作方面進步的跡象。2. Any head teacher who made errors like this would be chucked out. 哪個校長只要犯了這樣的錯誤都會被開除。3. The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college"s founder. 那所教師培訓學院為該學院的創立者立了一塊紀念牌匾。4. He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community. 他現在是一位教師,並且是社群內受人尊敬的一員。5. Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps. 鼓勵教師調動本身不會消弭教學隊伍中的種族隔離。6. With apologies to my old history teacher, who needs history lessons? 這話對不住我親愛的歷史老師,不過有誰需要歷史課呢?

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