  • 1 # fighting兜兜媽咪

    炎之蜃氣樓主題曲是《a vision of flames》。


    作詞:Suzi Kim

    作曲:中村 望

    專輯:炎の蜃気樓 -みなぎわの反逆者- オリジナル・サウンドトラック

    唱片公司: Aniplex

    發行時間: 2004年08月04日

    專輯類別: 原聲帶、影視音樂


    Can"t hold this feeling no more

    Just can"t pretend to care for

    Half-hearted trips out to grab and hit the score

    I"ve come to see the light

    We"re destined to ignite

    Long as we live everyone has got the right

    Wake up your inner child

    Wake up your tender branches

    We"ve been…we"ll always be

    Here to stay and breathe forevermore※

    △Blazing away to free

    The reins of power that live inside

    Believe in vision of flames and dream

    The sweetest dream…testify

    Blazing away to free

    The heat of passion that burns inside

    Believe in vision of flames and see

    What lies beneath them all…beneath them all△

    Sure as the sun that rises

    The mirage hypnotizes

    Our mission here…we"ve got to vocalize

    If only for a fleeting

    Moment of doubts and being

    We"ve got to give keep giving to live again

    Light up your gentle candle

    Light up your inner river

    Let go…we"re meant to flow

    You"ve been here with me eternally



    炎之蜃氣樓動畫改編自日本三大經典耽美小說之一《炎之蜃氣樓(Mirage of Blaze)》,作者是桑原水菜。被譽為三大長篇BL輕小說之一(另外兩部為《富士見二丁目交響樂團》和《間之楔》)。TV動畫製作的內容大致是小說的1—9卷(第1卷炎の蜃気樓,第2卷緋の殘影,第3卷硝子の子守歌,第4卷琥珀の流星群,第5卷まほろばの龍神,第6卷覇者の魔鏡(前編),第7卷覇者の魔鏡(中編),第8卷覇者の魔鏡(後編),第9卷みなぎわの反逆者)。炎之蜃氣樓的TV版13話,相當於小說的8卷。OVA則以第9卷「水畔的叛逆者(みなぎわの反逆者)」為素材。

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