  • 1 # 老桑遊戲

    I like watching TV program. And my favorite TV program is Wild Life. There are many animals in that program and I will see some of them in my daily life, but most of them I wouldn’t have the chance to have a look. It describes the growing process of different animals. It is interesting and mysterious. I like watching it very much. I also learn many things from it. For example, the blue whale is the world"s largest living animal. And how does it look? What’s its life style? I think Wild Life is a good program worth watching. It opens my eyes. 我喜歡看電視節目。我最喜歡看的電視節目是動物世界。在那個節目中有很多的動物,有些我會在日常生活中看得到,但大部分是我沒什麼機會可以看得到的。這個節目描述了不同動物的成長過程。既有趣又神秘。我非常喜歡看。我也從中學到很多東西。例如,藍鯨是世界上最大的動物。它長得怎麼樣?它的生活方式是怎麼樣的?我覺得野生動物是一個很好的節目,值得一看。它開闊了我的視野。

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