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    1. pain

    2. painful

    3. suffering

    Relative explainations:


    1. 過去的痛苦即是快樂。

    Pain past is pleasure.

    2. 【諺】一朝得了利,痛苦便忘記。

    Pain is forgotten where gain follows.

    3. 她因牙痛而痛苦。

    She suffered the tortures of toothaches.

    4. 那個戰士經受了大量出血的痛苦,不久便去世了。

    The soldier suffered a massive haemorrhage and died soon after.

    5. 他有過什麼痛苦嗎?

    Did he suffer any hurt?

    6. 他的痛苦引起了我們的同情。

    His sufferings aroused our sympathy.

    7. 她的話減輕了我的痛苦。

    Her words mitigated my suffering.

    8. 戰爭給無辜的人民帶來的痛苦不是金錢可以補償的。

    The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money

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