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      if you forget me  i want you to know one thing  you know how this is  if i look at the crystal moon  at the red branch  of the slow autumn at my window  if i touch near the fire  the impalpable ash,  or the wrinkled body of the log  everything carries me to you  as if everything that exists  aromas,light,medals,  or little boats that sail toward  those isles of your that wait for me  by Pablo Neruda  this is a love poem  第一行是標題  These Things Shall Never Die這些美好不會消逝  Charles Dickens/查爾斯.狄更斯  The pure. the bright, the beautiful, 一切純潔的,輝煌的,美麗的,  That stirred our hearts in youth, 強烈地震撼著我們年輕的心靈的,  The impulses to wordless prayer, 推動著我們做無言的禱告的,  The dreams of love and truth; 讓我們夢想著愛與真理的;  The longing after something"s lost, 在失去後為之感到珍惜的,  The spirit"s yearning cry, 使靈魂深切地呼喊著的,  The striving after better hopes- 為了更美好的夢想而奮鬥著的-  These things can never die. 這些美好不會消逝。  The timid hand stretched forth to aid 羞怯地伸出援助的手,  A brother in his need, 在你的弟兄需要的時候,  A kindly word in grief"s dark hour 傷慟、困難的時候,一句親切的話  That proves a friend indeed ; 就足以證明朋友的真心;  The plea for mercy softly breathed, 輕聲地乞求憐憫,  When justice threatens nigh, 在審判臨近的時候,  The sorrow of a contrite heart- 懊悔的心有一種傷感--  These things shall never die. 這些美好不會消逝。  Let nothing pass for every hand 在人間傳遞溫情  Must find some work to do ; 盡你所能地去做;  Lose not a chance to waken love- 別錯失去了喚醒愛的良機-----  Be firm, and just ,and true; 為人要堅定,正直,忠誠;  So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀著你的那道光芒  Beam on thee from on high. 就不會消失。  And angel voices say to thee---你將聽到天使的聲音在說-----  These things shall never die. 這些美好不會消逝。

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