  • 1 # 三張Q

    Yesterday Once More 昨日重現

    when i was young

    i‘d listened to the radio 年輕的時候我喜歡聽收音機

    waitin‘ for my favorite songs 等待我的至愛歌曲。

    waiting they played i‘d sing along 歌曲播放時,我跟著一起唱,

    it made me smile 總會讓我開心的笑

    those were such happy times 那是如此快樂的時光,這並不是很久以前的事情

    and not so long ago

    how i wondered where they‘d gone 我常常在想,以前那些歌都到哪裡去了?

    but they‘re back again 後來他們又回來了,

    just like a long lost friend 就象又見到久違的老朋友一樣

    all the songs i loved so well 我是多麼的熱愛這些歌!

    (*) every sha-la-la-la 每個Sha-la-la-la, 每個wo-wo 都在閃耀,

    every wo-wo-wo

    still shines

    every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每個shing-a-ling-a-ling都是那麼美好

    that they‘re starting to sing‘s

    so fine

    when they get to the part 當歌中唱到他讓她心碎時,

    where he‘s breakin‘ her heart

    it can really make me cry 我真的會哭起來。

    just like before

    it‘s yesterday once more

    lookin‘ back on how it was

    in years gone by 回想過去多年的日子,

    and the good times that i had 當時我曾享受過的美好時光讓我今天更感悲傷

    makes today seem rather sad

    so much has changed 變化實在太大了!

    it was songs of love that 我想把愛之歌唱給他們聽,

    i would sing to then

    and i‘d memorize each word 我記得其中的每個歌詞,

    those old melodies 那些老旋律

    still sound so good to me 暈依此禱故悄敲疵爛睿?路鷥榪梢越?暝麻F去 as they melt the years away

    repeat (*)

    all my best memories 我最美好的記憶全都展現在面前,

    come back clearly to me 有些還會讓我哭泣。

    some can even make me cry

    just like before 這就象以前一樣,昨日重現。

    it‘s yesterday once more

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