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    新東方願景和使命   Our Vision and Our Mission  成為優秀的教育機構  培養成就中國的精英  推動中西文化的融合  Becoming an Outstanding Educational Organization  Educating the Next Generation of Chinese Leaders  Promoting Cultural Exchange between China and the World  新東方口號  Our Motto  語言就是力量!  Language Is Power!  新東方校訓  Our School Credo  追求卓越,挑戰極限,從絕望中尋找希望,人生終將輝煌!  Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope and you can make your life a splendid one.  新東方精神  Our Ethos  新東方一直致力於闡揚一種朝氣蓬勃、奮發向上的精神,一種從絕望中義無反顧地尋找希望的精神。當世界上的一切都成為如煙往事,惟一能夠珍藏心中的是我們在今天的奮鬥中所得到的精神啟示。在將來的歲月裡,我們的心靈將引導我們,使我們能夠瀟灑地對待生活中的成功與失敗,並在成功與失敗時做出更奮發的努力,取得最終的輝煌。  The New Oriental School strives with all its energy for constant improvement. It embodies a pioneer spirit, boldly looking forward, and pushing ahead without looking back. We believe that, as everything in this ephemeral world fades into the oblivion of the past, the only thing that remains treasured in our heart is that which we earn with our hard work today. In the years to come, using our heads but guided by our hearts, learning from past failures and successes alike, we shall apply ourselves towards an ultimate brilliant success.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 母豬的發情表現有哪些?如何做到適時配種?