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    “出埃及記”(Exodus)是講述以色列建國的辛酸歷史,氣勢宏大,雄壯,很有悲壯的歷史感。在有關此鋼琴曲的MTV中最有名的就是馬克西姆版。MTV演奏者:馬克西姆,英文名Maksim Mrvica,來自克羅埃西亞的歐洲新古典王子、鋼琴聖手。“此曲中馬克西姆充分展現他神奇魔幻的詮演才華,讓音樂充滿的無限的驚喜。


    這是我的土地,神賜予我這片土地; This land is mine, God gave this land to me

    賜予我這片勇敢而古老的土地 ; This brave and ancient land to me

    晨光從山邊初現; And when the morning sun reveals her hills and plain

    我能看到孩子們自由的嬉戲; Then I see a land where children can run free

    所以,追隨我 So take my hand and walk this land with me

    在這片可愛的土地上與我同行; And walk this lovely land with me

    我雖只是一個人,當你與我同行; Though I am just a man, when you are by my side

    在主的庇護下,我知道我能變得堅強 With the help of God, I know I can be strong

    所以,追隨我 So take my hand and walk this land with me

    在這可愛的土地上與我同行 ; And walk this lovely land with me

    我雖只是一個人,當你與我同行 Though I am just a man, when you are by my side

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