  • 1 # 使用者3937226028394

    Today(May the seventh,Wednesday,sunny)is my birthday.My parents took me to the park.There were many people.Some of them walked by the lake,others talked under the tree,still others boated on the lake.Threr were many flowers in the park,they were red,green,yellow,blue and so on.The children singed and danced on the grass.I p今天(5月7日,星期三,晴)是我的生日。爸爸和媽媽帶我去公園玩。公園裡有許多人。一些人在湖邊散步,一些人坐在大樹下談天,另一些人在湖裡(on the lake)划船。公園裡有許多花,紅的、綠的、黃的、藍的~~孩子們在草地上(on the grass)唱歌跳舞,我和爸爸媽媽做遊戲(play games)。我們玩的很愉快。

    layed games with my parents.We enjoyed ourselves very much.

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