  • 1 # esohp13030

      意思不同。  walk along:散步;向前走;沿著…走。後面接的賓語一般都是表示“道路”之類的單詞。  walk around:四處走動;繞走;四處走走;  It was quite dangerous to choose the place near the river because bears like to walkalong its banks.  選擇接近水的地方是很危險的,因為熊喜歡沿著河岸走。  In those bad old days, I used to pay a personal trainer to take me for a walk along the seafront twice a week .  在那些糟糕日子裡,我曾經僱傭一個私人教練每週兩次帶我沿著海濱散步。  I walk around to where I can see her face.  我繞著可以看到她面孔的地方四處走動。  Go outside, walk around, look at people, look at nature, think about your day and your life and the people in it.  出去散散步,看看周圍的人,享受一下大自然,想象在你生命中,在你的每一天和你有交集的人們。

  • 2 # 使用者2035774605866


    walk along:散步;向前走;沿著…走。後面接的賓語一般都是表示“道路”之類的單詞。如:It was quite dangerous to choose the place near the river because bears like to walk along its banks.(選擇接近水的地方是很危險的,因為熊喜歡沿著河岸走。)

    walk around:四處走動;繞走;四處走走。如: I walk around to where I can see her face.(我繞著可以看到她面孔的地方四處走動。)

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