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    too ……(形容詞)to……(動詞):太……而不能……

    例如:1.啞雁 is too old to walk himself. 啞雁太老,不能自己走路。

    2.XX is too short to reach the orange on the tree. XX 太矮,夠不著那棵樹上的的那隻 橘子。

    not ……(形容詞)enough to ……(動詞):不夠……,不能……:My granddaughter is not old enough to go to school.我孫女兒還不夠年齡,不能上學。

    XX is not tall enough to reach the orange on the tree. XX 不夠高,夠不著那棵樹上的的那隻橘子。

    so……(形容詞/副詞)that……(從句)(從句中往往有can): 如此……以致於:

    You are so clever that you can ask such a question.你如此聰明,(以致於)能提出這麼好的問題

    I am so stupid that I answer this question in this way.我真愚昧,(以致於)這樣子回答這個問題。

    You are so tall that I can"t touch your shoulders.你這麼高,(以致於)我夠不著你的肩膀。

    I read that novel so quickly that I finished it in 3 hours.看那本小說我看的那麼快,(以致於)三個小時就看完了。

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