  • 1 # 掉眼淚的冠軍

    Long long ago , a frog lived in a well從前,有一隻青蛙住在一口井裡。Legend has it that the dragon boat festival originated long long ago傳說龍舟節是很早很早以前開始的。Long long ago , a group of monkeys found a moon in the lake3月2日16 : 27很久以前,有一群猴子發現湖裡有個月亮。We all know coal " s use , which we coal to cook meals long long ago我們都知道煤的作用,很久以前就開始用它來做飯了Long long ago , there lived two monks in the temple , old monk and fool monk這裡邊有古:從前寺裡住兩個和尚,老和尚和傻和尚。Long long ago , there was a small village that was located at the foot of a mountain很久以前,有一個小小的村子坐落在山腳下。Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter很久很久以前,有一個年老的國王,他有一個非常美麗的女兒。Long long ago , there was a lush forest where various animals dwell harmoniously很久以前,在一片繁茂的大森林裡住著許許多多和睦相處的動物。Laputa is a castle in the sky , created by some alien race on the earth long long ago天空之城是一懸空城市,由早已絕跡地球的神秘族類所建立。Long long ago , a county magistrate named wang lu worked in present day anhui province , east china從前,有個叫王魯的人在今天中國東部的安徽做縣令。釋義:long long ago:很久很久以前。短語:long long long ago 長長不久前 ; 長期長期從前 ; 很久以前長 ; 很久很久很久以前long before long ago 很久以前long and long ago 在很久很久以前And long long ago 在很久很久以前once long long ago 很久以前Maybe Long Long Ago 只許久以前the long long ago 很久很久以前的 ; 很久以前長

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 滿腹經綸,成語故事?