  • 1 # 塵埃開出花w



    1、(音樂會、比賽等)票已售完的,滿場的,滿座的if a concert, match, etc. is sold out , there are no more tickets available for it

    2、(商品)銷售一空的if a shop/store is sold out of a product, it has no more of it left to sell


    1、The premiere on Monday is sold out. 週一首映式的門票已經全部售完。

    2、The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries. 有時商店裡的某些雜貨會有脫銷的現象。

    3、Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins 五金店內水泵和防水油布已經賣光了。

    4、The new commemorative stamps are all sold out. 新紀念郵票全賣完了。

    5、Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately 睡袋幾乎一眨眼就賣完了。

    6、This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened. 這場演出的門票也是幾乎在開演前就銷售一空了。

    7、The next day the bookshops sold out. 第二天書店就賣斷了貨。

    8、The writer has sold out his artistic standards and now just writes for a living. 這個作家已背棄了他原來的藝術標準,現在只是賣文為生。

    9Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism. 迪倫在格林尼治村的許多朋友都認為他已經向商業主義屈服了。

    10、Tickets for the show sold out in 70 minutes. 演出門票在70分鐘內即告售罄。

    11、Seven impressions of the novel have been sold out. 這本小說印了七次,都賣光了。

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