  • 1 # 啊啊啊啊哦JJ

    端午節是農曆五月初五的英語為:Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar.

    1、Dragon Boat Festival端午節Dragon Boat Festival this year, we put Artemisia argyi home, wrap dumplings. 今年的端午,我們家掛上艾葉,包好粽子。

    2、lunar calendar英 [ˈlju:nə ˈkælində] 美 [ˈlunɚ ˈkæləndɚ] n.農曆或稱陰曆It"s quite special for me to celebrate a birthday according to the lunar calendar. 對我來說按農曆過生日太特別了。擴充套件資料中國傳統節日的英語翻譯為:1、the Spring Festival 春節(農曆一月一日)The Spring Festival is only a week away. 離春節只有一週了。2、the Lantern Festival 元宵節(農曆一月十五日)The party will be in Hong Kong for the Lantern festival. 該旅遊團將在香港過元宵節。

    3、Mid-autumn(Moon)Festival中秋節(農曆八月十五)After the Mid-Autumn festival, it became increasingly cool. 過了中秋,天氣愈加涼快了。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
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