  • 1 # 萬狗沸騰

    She told me not to step on the cracks她警告我不要走在縫隙間I told her not to fuss and relax我告訴她無需小題大做,放輕鬆Well her pretty little face stopped me in my tracks她精緻的瓜子臉迫使我停留在原先足跡上But now she sleeps with one eye open但現在她必須得睜著一隻眼睡覺(另譯:但現在她必須時刻留意)That"s the price she paid那就是她付出的代價I took a knife and cut out her eye我用刀挖出了她的眼睛I took it home and watched it wither and die帶回家目睹它一點點灰飛煙滅Well she"s lucky that I didn"t slip her a smile她很幸運我沒有贈與她微笑That"s why she sleeps with one eye open那就是為什麼她睜著一隻眼睡覺That"s the price she paid那就是她付出的代價I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩I"ll cut your little heart out cause you made me cry因為你令我落淚,我將挖出你稚嫩的心臟I slipped my hand under her skirt手輕輕從她裙子底下劃過I said don"t worry it"s not gonna hurt我說不用擔心我不會傷害你Oh my reputation"s kinda clouded with dirt我的聲譽蒙上了一層汙垢That"s why she sleep with one eye open那就是為什麼她要睜著一隻眼睡覺That"s the price she paid那就是她付出的代價I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩I"ll cut your little heart out cause you made me cry不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物You made me cry你令我落淚You made me cry你讓我哭泣You made me cry你居然讓我落淚I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩Get your filthy fingers out of my pie不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物I said hey girl with one eye我說獨眼女孩I"ll cut your little heart out cause you made me cry不要用你那骯髒的手指染指我的所屬物

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