  • 1 # 使用者5629432252830

    noblesse [nɔ"bles]n.1.[法語]2.[總稱](法國的)貴族(階層)3.高貴;出身顯貴4.崇高,高尚例句:Coffee-shop not only provides self-help drinks, fashionable Magazines and sport books,but also offers wireless internet service. On environment, it is tranquil and gorgeous with noblesse.咖啡廳不但供應自助飲品,配備時尚雜誌與運動書籍,同時還提供無線上網服務,環境寧靜而不失落落大方,居華麗而不落俗套。

  • 2 # pietr49411

    noblesse[英][nəʊ"bles][美][noʊ"bles]n.貴族階級; 例句:1.Neither the politics of polarisation nor those of noblesse oblige will serve to protect the interests of the middle class in the post-industrial economy. 在後工業化經濟中,無論是兩極分化的政治觀點,還是“位高則責重”的政治觀點,都無助於保障中產階級的利益。

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