  • 1 # 小白的王者日記

    When I had you to myself,當我擁有你時  

    I didn‘t want you around並不希望你總是在我身旁  

    Those pretty faces always make you stand out in a crowd那些漂亮面孔總是讓我分心 丟下你一個人待在人群中  

    But someone picked you from the bunch, one glance is all it took但有人在驚鴻一瞥後發現了你  

    Now it‘s much too late for me to take a second look現在對我來說太晚了 我已無法再看你一眼  

    Oh baby, give me one more chance oh baby 再給我一次機會  

    (To show you that I love you)(讓我證明我愛你)  

    Won‘t you please let me back in your heart可否讓我再回到你的心中  

    Oh darlin‘, I was blind to let you go親愛的 我是那麼愚蠢讓你離開  

    (Let you go, baby) Oh (讓你離開 Baby)  

    But now since I‘ve seen you it is on自從再次到你 我明白了  

    (I want you back)(我希望你回來)  

    Oh I do now 我真的明白了  

    (I want you back)(我希望你回來)

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