  • 1 # 彭時堅

    Right back at you

    1. 其他翻譯:

    2. the same to you

    3. you too

    4. in similar position


    5. “我感染上了重感冒”“彼此彼此,我也是。”

    I have a bad cold.

    join the club. I have one, too.

    6. “再見啦,非常感謝,祝你好運。”“彼此彼此。”

    Goodbye, then, and thanks. Good luck.

    The same to you.

    Thank you!

    The same to you, Mary.

    8. 你現在要吃的是我的雞 ,我警告你,你怎樣對這隻雞,彼此彼此我就怎樣對你,你撕下一條雞腿,我就扯斷你一條腿。

    That is MY chicken you are about to eat and I"ll warn you whatever you do to that chicken I"ll do the same to you. You pull out one of its legs, I"ll pull out one of.

    9. 彼此彼此和你合作我也很愉快。

    I like working with you too.

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