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    1.Google has released its top trending searches for 2013.The top searched item was NelsonMandela, the former president of South Africa.谷歌日前釋出2013全球熱搜榜,位列榜首的是已故南非前總統納爾遜-曼德拉。

    2.During the online discussion of our free meal, KFC became the top trending topic onTwitter, which is an amazing accomplishment for a brand.在線上討論我們的免費餐期間,肯德基成為Twitter上最熱門的話題。對於一個品牌來說,這是一個驚人的成就。

    3.On Nov. 7, with four days to go before the holiday, the top trending topic on Weibo, China"sTwitter, was Help Your Roommate Find Someone.在11月7日光棍節前4天,微博(中國版的推特)上最熱門的話題就是為你的室友找到另一半。

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