  • 1 # 羽諾池唯

    例句Hunger gnawed at his vitals, and he thought with envy of the millet porridge with goats" milk which the mullahs would now be enjoying at the seminary飢餓吞噬著他的活力,他豔羨地想到,神學校的毛拉們現在可能正享受著羊奶煮的小米粥。Forced by hunger,he worked for the most niggardly pay.為飢餓所迫,他為極少的工資而工作。"In his weary and hungry state, he should never have come here. The contrast was too sharp. Even he was recalled keenly to better things."他這麼疲憊和飢餓,本來是不應該來這裡的,對比太鮮明瞭。連他也不禁觸景生情,深深地回想起過去的好光景來。That day his hunger grew worse, worse than the hurt in his foot. Many times he wanted to lie down, but hunger made him go on.那一天,他飢餓難忍,甚至比他腳上的傷更嚴重。很多回他都想躺下,但飢餓迫使他繼續走。Fasting hypoglycemia飢餓性低血糖症A hundred yards on either side of that route, the old filth, illness, overcrowding, and starvation will prevail在那條路線兩旁一百碼以外,過去的汙穢,疾病,擁擠和飢餓將照樣猖獗。(of cheeks,etc)hollow as a result of hunger,illness,etc(指面頰等)(因飢餓、疾病等)凹陷的hunger,isolation,filth,the underside of&I [ a ] hellish regime(National Review)飢餓,隔離,道德敗壞,魔鬼制度的陰暗面(國內評論)"It also results from insulin-producing tumours, starvation, or metabolic disorders."另外,產生胰島素的腫瘤、飢餓或其它代謝性疾病亦會有低血糖發生。Stave off disaster,danger,bankruptcy,the pangs of hunger避開災難、躲過危險、防止破產、延遲飢餓的折磨.相似短語hunger for v. 渴望insatiable hunger 不飽症hunger disease 飢餓病hunger test 飢餓試驗chlorine hunger 【醫】 氯飢餓, 血氯離子缺乏hunger plague 【醫】 迴歸熱hunger cycle 飢餓週期hunger striker 絕食抗議者hunger after v. 渴望hunger strike n.表示抗議之(絕食)相似單詞hunger n. 飢餓,渴望,饑饉 v. 1.[T]使飢餓 2.[I]捱餓,渴望hunger cure 飢餓療法salt hunger 鹽飢餓hunger fighting 抵禦飢餓,消除飢餓hunger evil 【醫】 類癲癇病(馬)sal hunger 【醫】 鹽飢[餓]hunger strike vi. 舉行絕食抗議hunger pains 肌痛air hunger 【醫】 空氣飢翻譯推荐饑餓似地 hungrily飢餓日 hunger飢餓水腫 famine氧飢餓 pneumatore氯飢餓 chlorine飢餓的閥 limic鈣飢餓 calcifames飢餓地 ravenously飢餓狂 limophoito飢餓病 limosis最新單詞二叉樹查詢用英語怎麼說及英文怎麼寫 binary二叉樹資料結構用英語怎麼說及英文怎麼寫 binary二叉樹和森林之間的對應英語怎麼說及英文翻譯 correspond二叉樹中的左子樹英文怎麼寫及英文單詞 left二叉樹中的右子樹的英文怎麼說 right二叉樹中的LINK用英語怎麼說及英文怎麼寫 link二叉樹用英語怎麼說 binary二叉有向樹英文怎麼寫 binary

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