  • 1 # 發糕也不會飛

    while和when 用“當...時”解釋時(此時while看作從屬連詞),歸根究底就是以下的區別:

    1)兩個動作同時進行最好用while,也可以用when;先後進行只用whenWork while you work, play while you play. (同時發生) 工作的時候就工作,玩的時候就玩。 I was doing my homework when my mother came back home. (先後發生)我媽回家的時候我正在寫作業。

    2)when從句可用終止性動詞和延續性動詞,而while從句只用延續性動詞(若主句為進行時態,when引導的從句一般用一般時態,while引導的從句用進行時態)They were singing while we were dancing. 他們在唱歌時我們在跳舞。It was raining when we arrived. 我們到的時候天在下雨。(arrive 意為“到達”,為終止性動詞)另外,when可用於疑問句,定語從句的關係副詞,賓語從句的引導詞,而while不能I don"t know when he will go back.(賓語從句)The days when we used foreign oil are gone. (when此時為定語從句的關係副詞)我們用洋油的日子一去不復返了while做從屬連詞還有“雖然”的意思;做並列連詞時,意為“而”(錶轉折)While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape. 雖然我喜歡這頂帽子的顏色,但我不喜歡它的形狀。 I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜歡喝茶,而她喜歡喝咖啡。 while的常見片語:a great while ago 很久以前a little while ago 不久之前all the while 一直for a while,in a while,take a whilewhen的常見句型:was doing …… when did …… was about to do …… when did …… hardly when …… had hardly …… when ……since,for,as,because 用“因為”解釋時,有一下區別:1)for1.because, since, as 為從屬連詞,for為並列連詞或介詞,且for不放句首(除For what?“為啥?”之外)2.for sth (因為某事)相當於because of、on account of、 2.for+並列句時,用來附帶解釋前一句的情況,有附帶推理的語氣It must have rained, for the ground is wet.天一定下過雨,因為地面是溼的。(外國權威例句)試比較:The ground is wet because it has rained. 此句知道下雨的原因,而上句是推理出地面溼的原因。2)since 由於,既然(多數可譯為“既然”)1.譯為“由於”時,不放句首時可用because、as代替2.譯為“既然”時,只用since,相當於now thatSince I have no money, I can’t buy any food. 由於我沒錢,所以我不能買食物。Since it is so hot, let"s go swimming. 既然天氣這麼熱,我們去游泳吧。

    3)because1.針對情況解釋原因(非推理所得的原因),有明顯的因果關係2.從句不放句首3.能用於強調句,since as for不能It is because John is honest and diligent that he is popular with his friends.正是因為約翰的誠實勤奮使得他受到朋友們的歡迎。

    4)as 可譯為“由於”1.非正式用法,一般與since,because沒啥區別,可互換2.若從句的主語為 it 時,只用asAs it was already rahter dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night.由於天氣已經相當晚了,我們決定在廟裡待一夜。as用法廣泛,例如可做非限制性定語從句的引導詞等,也有“當...的時候”的意思,相當於when;還有“隨著....”,“正如....”,“雖然....”,“作為”等意思,這些意思不是表示因果關係,樓主做題時請區別對待綜上,因果關係明顯的情況最好還是用because;“既然”只用since;表對推測附帶解釋的情況只用for;因果關係不明顯的可用since,as,because。

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