  • 1 # 影片好笑

    I have a dream, a very different dream, that is when a boss.  Though I admire actors of colorful, star of the ten thousand people, but I prefer the boss"s commanding feeling.  I admire Bill Gates, so I determined to be a boss like that, when a everyone respected, I want to make a lot of money, let mom and dad for me proud.  Words and not of deeds is not, of course, in the past of the old days, as long as you dare to struggle, dare to rush, to dare to fight, is likely to be successful, but now not line, what matter all must have the knowledge, without knowledge is difficult, so I must study hard from now on, day day up, fighting for my goal, so you can be successful.  In order to achieve my goal, in addition to knowledge, also need courage, because I ordered this goal, I have from the timid before I become brave. Once, when shopping at the mall, I had become separated from his mother, if before, I will be scared to cry, but this time, I walked to the front desk, consumedly square square to call the waiter aunt for me to put a broadcasting station, indeed as expected to find his mother.  In order to my dream, I must study hard, do a famous boss in the future.  我有一個夢想,一個很與眾不同的夢想,那就是當一個老闆。  雖然我很羨慕演員的多姿多彩,球星的萬人矚目,但是,我更喜歡老闆的威風凜凜的感覺。  我很崇拜比爾.蓋茨,所以我立志要當一個他那樣的老闆,當一個人人尊敬的人,我要賺很多的錢,讓爸爸媽媽因我而自豪。  當然,光說不做是不行了,在以前的舊社會,只要你敢爭、敢闖、敢拼,就可能成功,可現在不行了,作什麼事都得有知識,沒有知識是寸步難行的,所以,我要從現在開始就好好學習,天天向上,為我的目標而奮鬥,這樣才可以成功。  為了達到我的目標,除了需要知識外,還需要勇氣,因為我定了這個目標,我已經從以前那個膽小怕事的我變勇敢了。有一次,在商場購物時,我與媽媽走散了,要是以前的我,一定會怕得哭起來的,可是這一次不一樣了,我走到總檯前面,大大方方叫服務員阿姨為我放了一個尋人廣播,果然找到了媽媽。  為了我的夢想,我一定要好好學習,將來做一個大名鼎鼎的老闆。

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