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    Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturer based in Maranello. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles as Ferrari S.p.A. in 1947. Fiat acquired 50% of Ferrari in 1969 and expanded its stake to 85% in


    2014 Fiat announced its intentions to sell its share in Ferrari, as of the announcement Fiat owned 90% of


    its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it has had great success.


    法拉利汽車公司的創始人恩佐·法拉利說:“他最中意的賽車是他還沒有造出來的賽車,他最大的成功是他還沒有達到的成功。”這位被譽為“賽車之父”的義大利人,嗜車如命的血液從小就在他的身上沸騰。當他13歲時,終於說服了父親,開始了自己單獨駕車的歷史。賽車場上發動機的轟鳴聲,比賽的驚險和刺激,使他越戰越勇。他當年駕駛著阿爾法·羅密歐(Alfa Romeo)馳騁賽場,屢獲勝利,被隊友們譽為賽車隊的“騎士”。他由參加賽車到組建賽車俱樂部,最後終於建立了自己的汽車公司。法拉利被譽為“紅魔”。

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