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    God loves a lullaby in a mother"s tears in the dead of night 上帝喜愛這安魂曲——在深夜母親含淚低聲吟唱

      Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時比這頌歌更加動聽

      God loves a drunkard"s cry 上帝喜愛這醉漢的抽泣

      The soldier"s plea not to let him die 士兵祈求讓他活下去

      Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時比這頌歌更加動聽

      We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難

      God just hears a melody 上帝卻只當作美好的旋律傾聽

      Beautiful the mess we are 如此混亂卻又如此美好

      The honest cries, of breaking hearts 這悲痛傷心後留下的淚

      Are better than a Hallelujah 比那頌歌更加真摯美好

      A woman holding on for life 婦女為生計苦苦支撐

      a dying man giving up the fight 一個垂死之人放棄爭鬥

      Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時比這頌歌更加動聽

      Tears of shame for what"s been done 這為過錯而悔恨的淚

      The silence when the words won"t come 這無法用言語表達的沉默

      Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有時比這頌歌更加動聽

      We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難

      God just hears a melody 上帝卻只當作美好的旋律傾聽

      Beautiful the mess we are 如此混亂卻又如此美好

      The honest cries, of breaking hearts 這悲痛傷心後留下的淚

      Are better than a Hallelujah 比那頌歌更加真摯美好

      Better than a church bell ringing 好過那教堂的鐘鳴

      Better than a choir singing out 好過那唱詩班的歌聲

      Singing out 好過頌唱

      We pour out our miseries 我們訴說著自己的苦難

      God just hears a melody 上帝卻只當作美好的旋律傾聽

      Beautiful the mess we are 如此混亂卻又如此美好

      The honest cries, of breaking hearts 這悲痛傷心後留下的淚

      Are better than a Hallelujah 比那頌歌更加真摯美好

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