  • 1 # 不吃老鼠的貓

    run over1.在…上駛過;(撞倒後)輾過:A boy was run over by a truck and got killed immediately.一個男孩被一輛卡車從身上壓過去,當即死亡。2.溢位:The water is running over the edge of the bathtub.水從澡盆的邊緣溢位。3.超過:We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.我們儘量把開銷限制在原定的數目之內,但可能會超出幾鎊。4.(使)在…上掠過;迅速瀏覽,掃視:The teacher ran over his notes before the lecture.教師在講課前先看一眼講稿。5.複習;排練:She will run over her lines in the evening.她將在晚上排練一次她的臺詞。run down1.往下跑:Don"t run down the stairs. Just walk down slowly.下樓梯時別跑,慢慢走下去。2.往下流:All rivers run down to the sea.條條河水向下流入大海。3.停止運轉;停產;耗盡:The battery in my car ran down this evening.我的汽車裡的蓄電池今天晚上用完了。My watch has run down.我的錶停了。4.(健康)衰退;虛弱:His father is terribly run down and is unfit for work right now.他的父親非常虛弱,不適於立刻就上班。

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