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    The fact is that


    The fact is that he did not discover it.事實是他沒有發現它。

    The fact is that he dislikes her.事實是他不喜歡她。

    The fact is that l never liked him .實際情況是我從來沒有喜歡過他。

    The fact is that you are resisting what is.事實上你就是在抵抗”是怎樣“。

    The fact is that I do not know anything about him.事實是我對他一無所知。

    The fact is that ,I see him noce a bluemoon.事實上是這樣的,我見到他千載難逢。

    But the fact is that doing so is itself a real hurt.豈不知,這樣做本身就屬於一種傷害。

    The fact is that I hate spicy food, so can we order something else?事實上我討厭辛辣食物,因此我們能否點一些別的?

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