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    corporate profile企業簡介 企業形象雙語對照例句:

    1.Rajeev talwar, executive director at dlf, says such high-profile international acquisitions boost a company"s corporate profile overseas, making it easier to raise financing and find partners for future acquisitions. dlf執行董事拉吉夫塔瓦爾(rajeev talwar)表示,這種高調的國際收購可以提升一家公司在海外的企業形象,讓日後的收購融資和尋找合作伙伴變得更容易。

    2.At oracle he was vp, global strategic accounts and is still listed in oracle japan"s corporate profile, where he"s been a director since 2005. 自2005年起,阿部開始在甲骨文日本公司擔任總監,離職前,他是全球戰略客戶部副Quattroporte,並且迄今仍赫然出現在甲骨文日本公司的公司簡介中。

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