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    routine [ru:"ti:n] n.的基本詞義

    ①名詞noun: 常規;慣例; 正常順序;生活乏味;無聊;(演出中的)一套動作,一系列笑話(等)


    1. routine [C or U] a usual or fixed way of doing things慣例,常規;例行公事

    There"s no set/fixed routine at work - every day is different. 工作內容不固定——每天都不同。

    He checks under the car for something unusual as a matter of routine. 他只要開車就先習慣性地檢查車下是否有異常。

    The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle這些運動員不得不改變他們的日常生活習慣和方式。

    Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是從平淡的日常生活中解脫一下。

    They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness routine.他們把自由體操做為日常健身運動的固定環節。

    He checked up on you as a matter of routine.他給你做例行檢查。


    have a change in one’s routine(to change one’s usual practice)改變一下生活慣例

    ② I feel very bored recently. In fact I should have a change in myroutine.最近我感覺很厭煩。事實上我應該改變一下生活慣例。

    2. routine [C] 一套固定的動作,固定的一套噱頭,固定的表演節目 a regular series of movements, jokes or similar things used in a performance(表演中)

    an exercise 一套固定的練習

    a dance routine 一套舞蹈動作

    He went into his usual "I"m the head of the company" routine (= usual way of speaking).他又故態復萌,重彈“我是公司之主”的老調子。

    3. routine adj.常規的 done as part of what usually happens, and not for any special reason

    a routine inspection/medical checkup 常規任務/檢查/體檢

    The operator has to be able to carry out routine maintenance of the machine.操作員必須能對機器進行日常維護。

    So many days are routine and uninteresting, especially in winter.許多日子都過得平淡乏味,尤其是在冬天。

    From release of routine message to acquisition of information. 從日常的資訊釋出到資訊的獲取。

    4. routine adj. , ordinary and not special or unusual 例行公事的;習慣性的

    This was a routine case of appendicitis. 這是一個普通闌尾炎病例。

    Routine physicals are done by a nurse.由一名護士做常規體檢。

    Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.例行工作經常委派缺乏經驗的年輕醫生去做。

    He died during a routine operation which went wrong.他因一次常規手術出錯而死亡。

    5. routine adj. 平淡的;泛味的; n.日常事務 ordinary and boring

    My job is so routine and boring - I hate it.我的工作一成不變,枯燥乏味——我厭煩透了。

    If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work. 如果她想做些日常的事務來打發白天的時間,就讓她去做社群工作吧。

    Since test automation is designed for reusability, routine tasks are eliminated and total cost is reduced.由於測試自動化為複用性而設計,所以消除了日常的任務,並且減少了總成本。

    6. routine常見實用名詞短語

    1.exercise routine日常鍛鍊

    2.work routine日常工作

    3.morning routine晨間例事;平淡乏味的早晨

    4.routine maintenance日常維護

    5.routine tests例行檢查(或測驗、試驗)

    6.routine day平淡的日子

    7.comedy routine喜劇套路

    8.dance routine固定舞蹈動作


    1.daily routine日常事務

    2.normal routine日常慣例

    3.regular routine常規事務

    4.usual routine通常慣例

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