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      When the world is on your shoulder 當你需要肩負起世界的時候   Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down 你就應當挺直身板隨聲起舞   If you can"t hang whth the feeling 如果你還是找不到感覺   Then there ain"t no room for you 並非沒有適合你的空間,   this part of town 這就是城裡的聚會   "Caude we"re the party people night and day 因為我們是狂歡一族,沒日沒夜的   Livin"crazy that "s the only way 過著瘋狂的生活,那是我們唯一的方式   So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf 因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣   And just enjoy yourself 只管盡情的享受   Groove,let the madness in the music get to you唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來   Life ain"t so bad at all(live life off the wall) 如果你瘋狂的活著   If you live it off the wall (live life off the wall)生活根本就不那麼糟糕   Life ain"t so bad at all 如果你瘋狂的活著   Live your life off the wall 生活根本就不那麼糟糕   You can shout all you want to 你可以喊出你想說的一切   "Cause there ain"t no sin in floks all getting loud 因為我們並非一群完人,大聲說出來吧   If you take the chance and do it只要你有機會你就要去做   Then there ain"t no one who"s gonna put you down 因為並非沒有人想將你推倒   "Cause we"re the party people night and day 我們是狂歡一族,整日整夜   Liven" crazy 過著瘋狂的生活   that"s the only way 那是我們唯一的方式   So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣   And just enjoy yourself 只管盡情的享受   C"mon and groove,and let the madness in the music get to you 唱片上的紋路, 使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來   Life ain"t so bad at all(live life off the wall) 如果你瘋狂的活著   If you live it off the wall(live life off the wall) 生活根本就不那麼糟糕   Life ain"t so bad at all(live life off the wall) 如果你瘋狂的活著   Live your life off the wall(live life off the wall) 生活根本就不那麼糟糕   Do what you want to do 做你想做的   There ain"t no rules it"s up to you (ain"t no rules it"s all up to you)並非沒有規則,但都對你無效   It"s time to come alive 該是活躍起來的時刻了   And party on right through the night(all right)狂歡將持續一整夜   Gotta hide you inhibitions   收起你的矜持   Gotta let that fool loose deep inside your soul 讓那愚蠢從你的靈魂深處消失   Want to see an exhibition 如果你想去看場表演   Better do it now before you get too old 你最好現在就去,趁你還不算太老   "Cause we"re the party people night and day 因為我們是狂歡一族,沒日沒夜的   Livin" crazy that"s the only way 過著瘋狂的生活   So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf 因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣   And just enjoy ourselves/yourself 只管盡情享受   C"mon and groove,let the madness in the music get to you 唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來   Life ain"t so bad at all 如果你瘋狂的活著   If you live it off the wall   生活根本就不那麼糟糕   Life ain"t so bad at all 如果你瘋狂的活著   Live your life off the wall 生活根本就不那麼糟糕   So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣   nd just enjoy yourself   只管盡情享受   C"mon and groove and let the madness in the music get to you唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來   Life ain"t so bad at all 如果你瘋狂的活著   If you live it off the wall 生活根本就不那麼糟糕...

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