  • 1 # 7994孤單的溫柔78

    玩手機的英文 Play Phone; fiddle with her phone; play telephone; play with the mobile; Play mobile phone; play cell phone 例句

    1. What if I change phones ? Can I still keep my Next Gen N - Gage games? 如果我換了手機 呢 ?那我還能再玩這些遊戲 嗎 ?

    2. Can not play in subways or elevators or anywherewhere your cell phone does not work. 不能在一些例如電梯和地鐵這樣的手機不能工作的地方玩。

    3. Chinese version of house, it is Nai Wan, a puzzle game mobile phone! 鬼屋中文版, 很耐玩的一款益智手機小遊戲!

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