  • 1 # 彬彬吶.



    一般疑問句(general question)用來詢問一件事情或一個情況是否屬實,需要用肯定詞yes或否定詞no來回答。

    -Hasn"t he passed the final examination?

    -Yes, he has.

    -Are you a teacher?

    -No, I’m not.不


    【句型一】Be + 主語 +…?

    Are these books on the desk?

    Is your mother at home?

    Was he here a moment ago?

    【用法說明】在含有連繫動詞be的將來時(shall / will + be) 或完成時態(have / has + been) 的句子,改為一般疑問句時,只需將shall / will 或have / has提到句首。如:

    Will they be at home tonight?

    Has he been to New York?

    【句型二】Do / Does / Did + 主語 + 謂語 +…?

    Do you like English?

    Did he pass the exam?

    Does she have a computer?

    【用法說明】助動詞 do 要隨人稱和時態而變化。在一般現在時中,除第三人稱單數用 does 外,其他人稱用 do。而在一般過去時中,任何人稱都用 did。同時,還應注意把原陳述句的行為動詞改為動詞原形。

    【句型三】情態動詞 + 主語 + 謂語 +…?

    Must I finish my homework now?

    Dare you swim in the lake?

    May I come in?

    【句型四】Have / Has + 主語 + 過去分詞 +…?

    Have you heard from him?

    Has he finished his homework?

    【用法說明】本句型是現在完成時的一般疑問句句型。have / has 在此作助動詞,沒有實際意義。另外,在美國英語中,無論 have 表示“有”或用作行為動詞,其一般疑問句都要藉助於助動詞 do 的適當形式。而在英國英語中,只有當 have 作行為動詞時,其一般疑問句才要作助動詞 do 的適當形式。

    如:Has she got a computer? 英國英語)

    Does she have a computer? (美國英語)

    Did you have a pleasant time?

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